Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I strongly agree with my colleague and his critique to legislator David Simpson in his argument for the legalization of marijuana. I don’t think a legislator should use his religious affair to defend a law or his argument for the prohibition of marijuana. His argument makes him seem bad because does he really think this could make people change their mind and legalizing marijuana. It concerns me that a legislator is thinking that way, and it scares me that a bill was passed using that kind of arguments. It’s like saying since abortion is prohibited by my religion then they should prohibit it as well, that’s not how it works.  I believe there are better arguments like Adrian said, for example seeking studies that demonstrate the positive outcomes or benefits that legalizing marijuana can do to our state, not just mentioning that marijuana comes from God and should not be prohibited. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

   The Texas Tribune presented Senate Oks Sealing More Criminal Records on Tuesday. It’s based on Senator Charles Perry who presented bill 1902, which would give a second chance to those who complete their probation or jail time and don’t commit any other crime. I believe this is a great opportunity for those who are willing to change. People who have learned from their mistakes and are willing to leave the past behind. I think it’s enough with what the criminal justice has persecuted the person for, and they should not be haunted for the rest of their life. If they already paid their sentence why should they still put up with having fewer opportunities than the others? I believe they should be seen like a regular person. They should have the opportunity to start over and change their way of life.
               Some may disagree or argue that it may contribute to the insecurities of others, but this bill will only allow the offenders to choose if they wish to disclose their criminal record to their landlords or employers. The offender’s record will remain available to certain law enforcement and criminal justice agencies along with others like health care and educational agencies. Furthermore only individuals who are dismissed after completing their sentence are eligible for an order of nondisclosure.
               I don’t see why people should oppose this bill; I believe it’s a great opportunity for those people who did wrong, they will have a second chance and can take advantage of this bill and do better things with their life.