Monday, April 20, 2015

I don’t really agree with Drink and Ride or Drink and Drive?  argument, I believe there are other alternatives you can take other than choosing between the option of a cab ride, hire a driver, or driving yourself back home. If you’re going out to drink and know that you won’t be able to drive, you can make sure that you go with someone that will not be drinking that night and can drive you back home, or that you save money for a cab ride. I wouldn’t like someone to be putting myself or anyone else in danger only because they didn’t have enough money to hire a driver or a cab ride.

  I don’t think we can make Capitol Metro responsible or demand that they shouldn’t be available more hours. Not only will it be dangerous, but like you said it will cost us too. I don’t think no metro driver would like to be in a bus with people who are drunk; I don’t think I would ever like to be in that position, especially when you know that drunk people don’t act right or aren’t conscious of what they are doing. How would you know where to take them? If you’re dropping them off how would you ensure that they live there, of if they will be safe? Furthermore if you’re talking about costing the city, I don’t think the argument of giving the drunken people an option for transportation is a strong argument to make them change their mind, and extending hours for Capitol Metro.  

If you’re responsible enough to go out and drink you should definitely be responsible to have some sort of transportation available that can take you back home. It’s will not only be for the safety of you, but for the safety of others.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I agree with the open carry handgun law which allow the licensed person to open carry a handgun in our state. Texas had allowed concealed carry of handgun since 1995, but there has been a recent push by the new republican leaders like Governor Greg Abbott and our Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Texas is one out of six states that doesn’t allow open carry of handguns. The ones who are in favor call that the bill is an important second amendment protection, and those who are against it  say that the open carry guns in the streets is less about gun rights than intimidation.
   I come to an agreement with this bill because I know it will have many regulation which means that it won’t allow just any person to obtain a license. The people will have to go through certain regulations and procedures.
One of the strongest argument for this bill is that in response to a series of shootings incidents across the United States in schools like the Sandy Hook Elementary school were 28 innocent people were killed. The bill would allow or make it easier for administrators and educators to carry a weapons. Therefore this is a great argument because everybody wants the safety of children especially if they are in school. Those who are against the open carry handgun bill say that it will cause intimidation in our streets and insecurities. But I believe they shouldn’t feel that way because those who are allowed to open carry will have to have a license and have had to do all the process like doing a background check and making sure that they really know the kind of people they will be granting the license too.
              In spite of the early impetus there are no guarantees that the Texas open carry of handgun laws will be passed,  there are lawmakers in Texas which are known to be as the capital of the American gun culture, which are hopeful to push some bills through the state legislature that will expand the owners gun rights. So even if this doesn’t go through there will be some hope to have something similar to open carry.