Wednesday, March 25, 2015

        In an editorial from The Dallas News the reader talks about the Affortable Care Act that is generally referred to as the Obama-care which is the landmark health reform legislation passed by the 111th Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010. The reader is saying how it might affect millions of Texans. To be exact the writter provides the reader with specific statistics and said that in 2016 if the U.S. Supreme Court sides with the plaintiffs in King vs. Burwell 1.7 million in Texas would be uninsured. 
        I believe this is a well written editorial because it gives specific examples, it provides the reader definitions to words or bills that are introduced , and even presents statistics not only how it can affect our state but also nationwide. The editorial also provides senators opinion about how they feel towards this situation. The writter states that if the Affordable Care Act fails many people won't be able to afford health insurance and that will cause a dramatic rise of uninsured people, since Texas already leads in to be the state with the most people to be uninsured .
         Senators have been trying to search for ways to fix this issue so they introduced the bill HB 817 that says that the state will run healthcare exchange that would allow our state to continue to receive federal subsidies, and allow the people to maintain their healthcare coverage.
         I believe this is a very important informative editorial which its primary audience is any of the people in texas who did sign up with the Affordable Care Act or any other person that can be affected by this changes. I believe that the writter couldn't have have done a better job in this editorial because it provides the reader with very important information along with what solutions there can be to fix this issue.

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